Welfare and Social Practices between the Past and Present. The case study of Southern Italy and Romania – Gemma Colesanti, Miriam Palomba
Charité et honneur. Le finacement des dots à Naples au cours de l’ancien régime – Vittoria Fiorelli
Brotherhood or Guild? Solidarity, Mutuality and Representation among Confraternities, Assistance and Communities in Modern Age Naples – Giovanni Lombardi
Children’s Health and the Foundation of the Children’s Hospital in Bucharest (1830s’1860s) – Nicoleta Roman
Integration, Inadaptation and Nostalgia: Human Stories from the 18th Century – Epirotan Migration in Wallachia and Moldavia – Konstantinos Giakoumis
Fanarioți și boieri la granițele imperiilor. Despre loialitate și supușenie în sec. al XVIII-lea – Constanța Vintilă
Viața științifică nr.4 – 1990