O relație culturală complicată. Reluarea activității British Council în România – Mioara Anton
The paper explores the dynamic of cultural relations between Romania and the United Kingdom during the years of détente. It contributes to the exploration of soft power policies across the Iron Curtain by focusing on the activities of the British Council in Bucharest. In the spirit of détente, its representatives…
Un model de cooperare pentru Europa Unită avant la lettre. Premisele și evoluția Micii Înțelegeri – Mircea Iliescu
The end of the First World War determined structural changes on the map of Europe, resulting from the disintegration of the Great Empires and the emergence of new state actors. A paradigm shift arrived, revolving around the liberal model, the Wilsonian vision summarized in the “14 points”, the principles, values…
Bacalaureat în vreme de război. Elevii români refugiați la Odessa și Herson (1917) – Radu Tudorancea
This paper is focusing on a rather omitted, if not unknown issue of Romania’s participation into the First World War, namely the issue of the Romanian War refugees in the Tsarist Empire, more precisely – the odyssey of the Romanian High-school students in the refuge towns of Odessa and Herson,…