Sur les traces d’une Vincentine: les tribulations de la première supérieure à monastir (Bitola) – Raïa Zaïmova
The Network of Monasteries and Religious Patronage in the Ottoman District of Çerven/Rusçuk (16th-17th centuries) – Maria Shusharova
The Imperial Medical School of Istanbul. Establishment, Edifices, Funding and Activities (1827-1876) – Margarita Dobreva
Reguli, comportamente, sancțiuni. Mijloace de manifestare a autorității judiciare din Moldova (sec. XIX) – Cătălina Chelcu
American Protestant Missionaries and their Educational Institutions in the European Provinces of the Ottoman Empire – Elmira Vassileva
Buna ordine în Bucureștiul fanariot – Constanța Vintilă
Charité et honneur. Le finacement des dots à Naples au cours de l’ancien régime – Vittoria Fiorelli
Brotherhood or Guild? Solidarity, Mutuality and Representation among Confraternities, Assistance and Communities in Modern Age Naples – Giovanni Lombardi
„Monti Frumentari” in the Kingdom of Naples (17th-18th Centuries) – Paola Avallone
The Network of Hospitals in the Kingdom of Naples at the Time of the Bourbons – Raffaella Salvemini