Sous les armes au Moyen Âge tardif en Europe Centrale et Orientale. Le Cas De La Campagne Ottomane de 1476 – Andrei Mirea

The article examines the context of the Moldavian-Ottoman war of 1476 from the perspective of the fighters’ desertion from the Christian armies involved in this military conflict (there are considered the armies of Moldavia, Hungary, and Poland). There is also highlighted the military, social and climatic context of Southeast Europe which contributed to the phenomenon of desertion in the summer of 1476. In the case of the army of Stephen the Great, it is argued that neither the militarily necessary to defeat the Crimean Tatar army nor the boyars’ treason can explain the desertion of a portion of the Moldavian army before the battle of Războieni.

Keywords: Stephen the Great, Moldavia, Ottoman Empire, desertion, treason.


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