Burghezia. Realitate socială și necesitate teoretică în România secolului XIX-lea – Bogdan Popa

During the 19th Century, the bourgeoisie as a ‘middle-class’ was both a social reality as well as a political desiderate for the Romania cultural and political elite. In this article, I argue that a history of the concept is necessary in order to deepen the study of the professional categories usually defined as bourgeois, such as capitalist entrepreneurs, intellectuals, or state clerks. I suggest that, by looking at the definitions given by authors of different social and political backgrounds, one gains a better insight in the meaning of the term bourgeoisie. The main thesis of my article is that, by understanding the concept itself, one has a better understanding of the actual structure of the Romanian society during its modern era.

Keywords: Bourgeoisie, Middle-Class, Modernization, Historical Concepts, Romanian Political and Social Thought.


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